miércoles, 13 de abril de 2011

Huitoto ethnic group :

Peru is a country of a big biodiversity and with a lot of ethnics groups, with culture, languages , religions , etc.In this diversity of ethnic groups there is the population of the HUITOTO.
The HUITOTOS is a peruvian ethnic group from the peruvian jungle(Loreto) the poblatio of this ethic group is of 1.917 persons.They are one of the many ethnic groups that are in DANGER . They  are many causes of the dead of the HUITOTOS , but the main problema is our activity in their land(RAINFOREST). Because he main products cultivated by the huitotos are bitter cassava, bananas, maize, peanut, sweet potato and pumpkin, and complement the diet products of hunting and fishing. And our activity in their land is killing and poisoning their food.
Now im going to explain some of the principal causes of the dead of the HUITOTOS:
Hunting and deforestation(ilegal): For each animal that we kill(for eat of for their skin) , less are the posibilities for them to eat, also if we cut down the trees, because they eatr the fruits from the trees and they use the wood for theis houses (so its important for them),
 Fatories , oil companies, narcotrafic factories (ilegal) ,water contamination:The oil companies pollute the water and kill the plants , so if th Huitoto people drink some of thoise water or they eat some fruits of those trees they will die.The narcotrafic activity also kill them , because they comtaminate the air and thay burn some trees for use a space like a ilegal factorie.
They are many solutions , but the main solution is in our mind , because we are the ones who could stop the polution and the HUITOTO poeple(and other people of anothe ethnias)wouldn’t die.
At Brazil the lack of land generates serious social problems among the indigenous communities of ethnic Guarani-kaiowá living in Brazil. Children with high levels of malnutrition, minimum sanitation and alarming rates of youth suicide. The leaders of this ethnic group have asked for help to the authorities.
In our country the peruvian government have make somo general rules and iniciatives that could help them, but also other peruvian ethnic groups that are in a risk to lost their lands and food, also their own lives:
The people of the ethnias have the same rights as us , they need to live in a confortable way with out danger in their environment.
Hunting is ilegal for the people that doesnt own these lands. With this law this peruvian ethnic groups will eat more , because the ilegal hunters wouldnt hunt in their lands so , the HUITOTOS will eat more and will have less probabilities to die.
In my opinión this peruvian iniciative for help our ethnic groups is OK but isnt all,  because we ( each peruvian) is obligated to help our ethic groups in many ways, because this iniciative isnt too much they deserve more things, they are like us and in my opinión another kind of help that our government could do is send some people with medicines for help , and also preserve that land like a ecological reserve where some ethnic groups live inside, also we could ask for some international help if our government doesnt want to collaborate with more things, also the government could send to build some schools , because they dont know how t oread and write, but this could be only if the people of this peruvian ethnic group want to do it( if they give them permission).
In conclusión there are many ethnic groups at the jungle side at peru (Loreto) , there is one ethnia that need help for survive their name is the HUITOTO, many people of that ethnic have die because there is a lot of hunting, deforestation, terrorism, and factories that contamínate their wáter and food.They need some and we can help them in many ways , also our government. And we are the onlty ones that can. help them

                                                                                                           Pedro Ernesto Hoyos Camacho

1 comentario:

  1. It's a very valid piece of information.
    We should do something about it.
    Besides this.
